Citation - Portsmouth Mercury: 1765.09.09

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Index Entry Chorus, Sing tantarara, burn all, of lyric [beg] He who for a post, or base 
Location Newport 
9 Sep 1765:21 (1/34) 
Boston, Sept. 5.  Extract of a letter from a gentleman in
Newport, Rhode-Island, to one in the town.
Aug. 29.  Effigies of three persons in a cart, each of them
to a gallow. . . ropes around their necks.
[Song sung]  Posted on one of the posts the following song.
  He who for a post, or base sordid pelf,
  His country betrays, makes a rope for himself;
  Of this example before you we bring,
  In these infamous rogues, who in effigy swing.
  Huzza my brave boys ever man stand his ground.
. . . [11 more lines]
Sing tantarara, burn all, burn all,
Sing tantarara, burn all.

Generic Title Portsmouth Mercury 
Date 1765.09.09 
Publisher Furber & Russell 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0041546
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